Pearson VUE partnership expands CFRE exam test centre locations in North America too!

CFRE International’s partnership with computer-based testing leader Pearson VUE  did more than expand access to the CFRE examination globally. The partnership also provides CFRE candidates in North America with greatly expanded access to convenient test centre locations at which to write their CFRE exams.

Pearson VUE’s network of approved testing centres across North America now offers CFRE candidates access to ten times the number of approved testing centres as were available prior to 2015. No longer should the need to travel long distances to write the CFRE exam be a barrier to a fundraiser’s ability to achieve their goal of CFRE certification!

Want to see just how close an approved test centre for the CFRE exam is to your location? Use the new online test centre search function available through the CFRE International page on the Pearson VUE website. Search links for both Find a test centre and Find an on-base test center are located along the right hand side of the page.

CFRE candidates have let us know about their need for increased access to convenient computer-based testing centres. We are very pleased to be able to respond to that needs with this expansion of service.

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American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


United Negro College Fund



Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


BBB Wise Giving Alliance


Korea Society of Philanthropy


Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity




Boy and Girls Clubs of America


China – CAFP




Brazil Fundraising Association


European Fundraising Association


Japan Fundraising Association


North American YMCA Development Organization


New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


International Catholic Stewardship Council


Fundraising Institute New Zealand


Fundraising Institute Australia


Association of Philanthropic Counsel


Association of Fundraising Consultants


Educate Plus


The Giving Institute






