Is your organisation on track to reach its 2016 fundraising goals?

NRC-Partner-Orgs-e1452183243327CFRE International invites you to take a very short survey from the Nonprofit Research Collaborative about your organisation’s fundraising results so far in 2016.  For charities raising funds in the U.S., there are 3 additional questions about charitable giving in relation to the presidential campaign cycle.

CFRE International is a proud partner of the Nonprofit Research Collaborative (NRC), which studies trends in fundraising twice annually. The Summer 2016 NRC Survey began collecting data this week and we invite CFRE certificants and charities in the U.S. and Canada to participate.

You may also extend this invitation to your fundraising peers. The one key criterion for participation is that the respondent has familiarity with their organization’s fundraising goals and results through June 2016.

Take the Summer 2016 NRC Survey

The full report will be published in the fall. However, aggregate response data collected to date will be viewable upon submission of your completed survey. You may also view prior NRC survey report summaries at In addition to the summaries, the revamped website also offers some nice infographics showing survey conclusions since the NRC began collecting data in 2010.

Thank you for taking just 5 minutes to add to the entire nonprofit sector’s knowledge about 2016 trends in fundraising.

American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


United Negro College Fund



Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


BBB Wise Giving Alliance


Korea Society of Philanthropy


Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity




Boy and Girls Clubs of America


China – CAFP




Brazil Fundraising Association


European Fundraising Association


Japan Fundraising Association


North American YMCA Development Organization


New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


International Catholic Stewardship Council


Fundraising Institute New Zealand


Fundraising Institute Australia


Association of Philanthropic Counsel


Association of Fundraising Consultants


Educate Plus


The Giving Institute






