Update your address books. After nearly six years in its current space, the CFRE International headquarters are moving effective 5 December 2016. CFRE International’s new business address will be:
CFRE International
225 Reinekers Lane
Suite 625
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States
The new office space provides numerous advantages for the organisation. While technically smaller than the current office in overall square feet, the flexible layout of the new office suite will allow CFRE International to host meetings in the office which previously had to be held off-site due to space limitations and expand staffing over time to meet the needs of growing programmes. The proximity of the new office to major public transportation further establishes CFRE International as an employer of choice in the nation’s capital area, aiding in recruiting and retaining great staff.
If your organisation issues payments to CFRE International by check, please share this address update with your finance department so that they can update the CFRE International vendor information in their accounting system. All CFRE International telephone and fax numbers will remain unchanged.