With total CFRE certifications passing 6000 worldwide as of 31 December, 2016 marked another year of strong growth for CFRE International and the CFRE credential! Overall, the number of professional fundraisers worldwide holding the CFRE credential increased to 6073 at year-end, up 6.7% over the 2015 year-end total of 5693 and an increase of 15% for the 3 year period 2013-2016.
The number of fundraisers seeking out initial CFRE certification has also climbed steadily since 2013. In 2016 CFRE International received 805 applications for initial CFRE certification, up from 657 in 2013, and a 22.5% increase over the three-year period.
The CFRE credential is growing and with it, the value and impact of CFRE International and CFRE certification for fundraisers across the global philanthropic sector.