Get to know the 2016 CFRE International Board of Directors


With each new year comes transition in the make up the CFRE International Board of Directors. Terms of service end and we thanks those  leaders for their service to the organization while, at the same time, newly elected Board members take their place on the CFRE International Board of Directors.

For 2016, CFRE International also welcomes a new Chair, as Marnie Hill, CFRE, Senior Manager, Legacy Giving at the Canadian Red Cross assumes that role from Phil Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE whose 2 year term as Chair ended at the close of 2015. Schumacher will remain a member of the Board of Directors through the end of 2016, serving in the role of Immediate Past Chair.

Additional changes and additions to the 2016 Board include:
Heather R. McGinness, CNM, CFRE transitions to the position of Vice Chair
Clive Pedley, FFINZ, CFRE transitions to the position of Secretary/Treasurer

CFRE International also welcomes new Board members Richard K. Martin, CFRE and Graham Papenfus CFRE, F.IDPE to seats on the Board of Directors following their election in 2015 and we offer our sincere thanks to outgoing members Robert Driver, CFRE and Roly Owers, MA, MSc, CFRE for their six years of dedicated service to CFRE International and the CFRE community! Click Here to view the complete 2016 CFRE International Board of Directors, including photos and updated biographies.

CFRE International is governed by a Board of Directors of eleven, including ten certificants and one public member.  The Board strives to be representative and embrace diversity in the broadest sense. The 2016 CFRE International Board of Directors includes representation from Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States.

American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


United Negro College Fund



Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


BBB Wise Giving Alliance


Korea Society of Philanthropy


Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity




Boy and Girls Clubs of America


China – CAFP




Brazil Fundraising Association


European Fundraising Association


Japan Fundraising Association


North American YMCA Development Organization


New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


International Catholic Stewardship Council


Fundraising Institute New Zealand


Fundraising Institute Australia


Association of Philanthropic Counsel


Association of Fundraising Consultants


Educate Plus


The Giving Institute






