European Fundraising School in Vienna co-sponsored by CFRE International

Euro_Fundraising_School2From 26 – 30 June, Vienna’s Hotel & Palais Strudelhhof will host the European Fundraising School presented by the Austrian Fundraising Association, and co-sponsored by CFRE International. The European Fundraising School’s English language curriculum places emphasis on the core principles of successful fundraising and fundraising innovation. Led by internationally renown trainers Eva Aldrich, M.A., CAE, (CFRE 2001-2016) and Jacob Finnbjørn Møllemose, the School will use the latest research and international best practice examples to help students maximize their organisation’s fundraising efforts.

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During the first 3 days of the school, 26-28 June, CFRE International President and CEO Eva E. Aldrich will instruct a 3 day intensive course in the core methods and principles of successful ethical fundraising.  The final 2 days of the programme will be devoted to a journey into fundraising innovation focusing on problem definition, new thinking and methods of interacting with private donors. This hands-on workshop offers students the opportunity to define and build innovation cases based on an applied learning approach, providing them with the tools and skills to continuously improve their fundraising and engagement methods.Euro_Fundraising_School1

For more information or to register, visit the European Fundraising School website.


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