Do you have a testimonial to share related to why you or your organization has sought a CFRE when filling positions for experienced fundraising professionals? How about the value that hiring a CFRE has brought to your nonprofit’s fundraising planning and execution? If so, CFRE International needs to hear from you!
Under the slogan “Your Confident Choice for Fundraising Planning & Execution”, CFRE International has launched a targeted marketing campaign to advance the understanding of what achieving and maintaining CFRE certification represents and how it sets a CFRE certified fundraiser apart from other fundraisers who do not hold the CFRE credential.
To support this campaign CFRE International has expanded the employer focused information available on our website with a dedicated webpage explaining to fundraising employers the practice-based assessment process for CFRE certification, the verified experiences required for eligibility, the breadth of knowledge tested on the CFRE exam, and durable nature of the CFRE credential through continuing assessment and recertification.
We need your testimonials to fill out our campaign with real world examples of how CFRE certification brings confidence to the hiring decision as a testament to the competence, credibility, commitment, and ethics of the CFRE certified fundraiser!
Please contact George Hamilton, Marketing & Membership Manager, at or (571) 699-0603 to submit or discuss your testimonial. We can’t wait to hear from you!!