DEADLINE EXTENDED: CFRE International Call for Board Nominations

The CFRE International Committee on Directorship announces that it will accept nominations for candidates to serve as members of the CFRE International Board of Directors.

The CFRE International Board of Directors is comprised of eleven (11) individuals. Ten (10) individuals are currently certified fundraising professionals; one (1) is a member of the public at large. A recommended slate of candidates for election is annually presented to and voted on by the current CFRE certificant population.

In the 2024 CFRE International election, CFRE certificants will elect three (3) CFRE Board members. Two (2) current Board members are eligible for continuing service on the Board.

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Submissions for consideration must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. U.S. ET on Saturday, June 15, 2024 (previously May 31, 2024).

CFRE Certificants for Consideration

All CFRE certificants in good standing are invited to submit nominations for consideration by the Committee on Directorship. Candidates are welcome to self-nominate, or they may be nominated by another current CFRE certificant.

To be considered, all candidates must be currently certified as a CFRE in good standing and have recertified at least once. Individuals interested in applying for consideration who are in their recertification grace period must first submit a completed recertification application.

CFRE International seeks to have its Board be representative of the full diversity of the certificant population and the profession at large. The Committee on Directorship takes into consideration many factors including, but not limited to, demonstrated leadership capabilities, geographic location, staff position or consultant, type and size of employing organization, and those with skills that complement those of individuals already serving on the Board.

Preferred candidates will have familiarity with and experience participating as a volunteer in the activities of CFRE International and be actively involved in promoting the credential. CFRE certificants included on the ballot will each be elected to a three-year term.

All Nominees for Consideration

The Committee requests the following information from those individuals brought forth for consideration:

1. name and contact information;

2. a current resume;

3. a letter of intent and/or statements from the individual outlining:

a. their reasons for wanting to serve, and

b. what the individual can contribute to the organization;

4. a statement of the candidate’s ability to meet performance expectations and willingness to serve on the Board, if nominated and selected; and

5. a completed CFRE International Board Candidacy Information Sheet

In principle and practice, CFRE International values and seeks a diverse population of Board members. There shall be no barriers to full participation in the organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, physical ability, and socio-economic status. All Board members shall be selected with due consideration to diversity in its broadest sense. Please indicate if the nominee brings diversity in representation to the Board, and what underrepresented community the individual would represent.

Nominations should be submitted to Tony Colarusso, Operations and Governance Manager: Subject: Board Nomination

Performance Expectations

The CFRE International Board holds two in-person meetings a year and two virtual meetings. As a small board, attendance is vital and expected. New Board members are also required to attend a webinar for orientation to the Board.

Board members, with the exception of the public member, are expected to participate in all aspects of examination development, including item writing and review, and to actively serve on multiple committees. CFRE International does pay travel expenses related to attendance of Board meetings.

Selection Process

The Committee on Directorship will review submissions and suggestions throughout June. The Committee reviews all candidates and their qualifications using a matrix of skills held by current board members to assist in identifying nominees with complementary skills and abilities. In addition, the Committee conducts comprehensive candidate interviews. Candidates are also asked to submit volunteer references, although this is not required at the time of original nomination. A slate of well-qualified and screened nominees is then selected and will be submitted for acceptance by ballot of CFRE certificants in July.

Any questions about Board service or the Committee on Directorship should be directed to the Chair of the Committee on Directorship, Tom Berekoff, MA, CFRE, c/o Tony Colarusso at

The current CFRE International Board of Directors consists of:

Class of 2024

Alexis Alm, MNA, CFRE, CAP®*
CEO & Executive Coach
Alexis Alm Advisors, LLC
Chicago, IL
United States

Phillip Rothwell, MBA, CFRE
Director of Development
King’s College
United Kingdom

Mark A. Stuart, CFRE
President & CEO
The San Diego Foundation
San Diego, CA
United States

Astrid Von Soosten, CFRE
Brakeley Fundraising Consultants

*eligible for an additional year of service in 2025 as Chair of the Board of Directors per CFRE International’s by-laws

Class of 2025

Rich Basler, CAP®, CFRE
Executive Director of Advancement Operations
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY
United States

Catherine Bays, CAP®, CFRE
Director of Development
Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts
Little Rock, AR
United States

Stephen Mally, CFRE, FFIA
Sydney, NSW

Class of 2026

Edna Meza Aguirre, JD, CFRE
Director of Development and Political Consultant
Arizona Center for Women’s Advancement
Tucson, AZ
United States

Deniz Taşdemiroğlu Conger, MPA, CFRE
CEO and CoFounder
Portland, OR
United States

Scott Sandison, CFRE
VP Community & Legacy Giving
Vancouver, BC

Art Taylor (Public Member)
President & CEO
BBB Wise Giving Alliance
Arlington, VA
United States

View current Board member profiles.

American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


United Negro College Fund



Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


BBB Wise Giving Alliance


Korea Society of Philanthropy


Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity




Boy and Girls Clubs of America


China – CAFP




Brazil Fundraising Association


European Fundraising Association


Japan Fundraising Association


North American YMCA Development Organization


New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


International Catholic Stewardship Council


Fundraising Institute New Zealand


Fundraising Institute Australia


Association of Philanthropic Counsel


Association of Fundraising Consultants


Educate Plus


The Giving Institute






