What is working to raise funds at more organisations: Direct mail? Email? Social media? If your organisation raises money for charitable purposes in the U.S. or Canada, please provide the answer for your group — and get a sneak preview to the surprising results from hundreds of others who have participated in the survey thus far. Take the Summer 2015 NRC Survey
CFRE International is a proud partner of the Nonprofit Research Collaborative (NRC), which studies trends in fundraising twice annually. The Summer 2015 NRC Survey will close on 19 August and we encourage CFRE certificants and charities in the U.S. and Canada, who have not yet provided their organisation’s information, to participate.
The survey is brief; it usually takes less than 15 minutes to complete. It doesn’t ask for specific dollar amounts, only directions of change (up,down, or flat). You’ll be able to see results when you submit your responses and also sign up for the mailing list to receive a copy of the full report coming in early October.
Take the Summer 2015 NRC Survey
These data help organisations to plan their future fundraising strategy and help boards decide where to invest more in fundraising efforts. Prior reports are available at www.npresearch.org, including some useful infographics about the importance of having paid staff to raise funds and the role of the annual fund drive.
The person best qualified to complete this summer’s survey will know at least a bit about all aspects of fundraising within the organization, so please feel free to share the link within your organization if that makes the most sense. Once the survey has been completed for your organization, please pass the invitation along to colleagues in other U.S. and Canadian organisations. The more responses received, the more useful analysis by size of charity, type of work, region of the country, etc. the survey report will be able to provide.
Thank you for taking just 15 minutes to add to the entire nonprofit sector’s knowledge about what is working in fundraising.