By becoming a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), you demonstrate your mastery of ethical, best-practice fundraising.

Skilled fundraising professionals are in high demand. By earning the CFRE credential, you prove that you are a confident, prepared fundraising professional ready to lead.

Steps to Become a CFRE

  1. Start your application.
  2. Input your information until you have met the requirements in each section.
  3. Select a testing window.
  4. Submit your application with payment.
  5. Once your application is approved, we will send you an email with instructions to schedule your exam.
  6. Study 40 – 80 hours.
  7. Take the CFRE Exam.
  8. Once you pass, you are a CFRE and recertify every three years to maintain the credential.

More Resources

Visit the certification section for more information.

For general questions about how the CFRE credential can boost your career or other facets of the process, this section will help. Use the menu on the left to navigate.



American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


United Negro College Fund



Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


BBB Wise Giving Alliance


Korea Society of Philanthropy


Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity




Boy and Girls Clubs of America


China – CAFP




Brazil Fundraising Association


European Fundraising Association


Japan Fundraising Association


North American YMCA Development Organization


New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


International Catholic Stewardship Council


Fundraising Institute New Zealand


Fundraising Institute Australia


Association of Philanthropic Counsel


Association of Fundraising Consultants


Educate Plus


The Giving Institute






