Perseverance, Passion, and the CFRE

By Justin Kuczma, CFRE | New York, USA

Growing up, life was often a struggle. We would go days (sometimes longer) without electricity. Having a reliable car was out of the question, and I spent many years wearing shoes that were too small with my toes sticking out of holes in the front. In first grade, despite limited means, my parents signed me up for Cub Scouts. They knew the importance of being part of this incredible organization. I went on to become an Eagle Scout and continue to this day as a volunteer leader with Scouting America (formerly the Boy Scouts of America).

After high school (uncertain of a clear direction), I attained an associate’s degree in Massage Therapy and the next couple of years were filled with a series of moves and dead-end retail jobs. Two years and a divorce later, life took an even steeper downturn, leading to a few months of homelessness and couch-surfing. Eventually, a local summer camp job offered temporary stability, providing food and shelter. Rock bottom didn’t take long to hit after that. I took a minimum-wage job at everyone’s favorite seasonal Halloween store, where I dressed as a gorilla and danced on the side of the road.

Determined to improve, I accepted a job at a local grocery store. Over seven years, roles across three states ranged from stocking produce to pharmacy work. It was a paycheck-to-paycheck existence, and I constantly struggled to get ahead. I wanted more for my family and kept searching for a better job.

Eventually, a role at a medical supply company offered an introduction to office work but still didn’t lift the financial burden. One pivotal day, with bills piling up and creditors calling, the realization hit: Change was needed to make a better life for the family.

A Blessing in Disguise

December 4, 2018—a needed opportunity came. I was fired from my job at the medical supply company and I spent a few minutes during that meeting in a daze. My fourth child was on the way and money was tight with Christmas a few short weeks away. Once again, faced with an uncertain future, I went out to my car and called my wife to give her the terrible news.

A single text would set my life on a new course …

Through my volunteer work with Scouting America, I got to know Frank Capozzi, the local Field Director of Seneca Waterways Council. Frank noticed my knack for connecting with other volunteers and recruiting families to join Scouts. After I was unexpectedly fired from my job, I reached out to him: “Frank, I was just fired. When can I start?”

Despite the initial obstacle of not holding a bachelor’s degree, the encouragement of leadership at the Council led to a job offer, marking the start of the next chapter in my life as a District Executive.

The three years I spent in this role were a hands-on, college education. One of my first tasks was to recruit a whole new board for my district, train them, and empower them to conduct meaningful meetings that would help to achieve our mission. That was only the first two months. From there, I learned how to develop and manage 10 different budgets totaling more than $100,000. Within six months, I went from asking doctors’ offices for medical paperwork to meeting with school superintendents, bank presidents, and highly influential leaders across the greater Rochester area.

This is also where I learned about fundraising. During my third week on the job, I drove to a small Pack in a Rochester suburb to talk to them about Friends of Scouting (FOS). This Pack had never donated before so I wasn’t sure what to expect … they raised more than $3,000.

Finally, at 35, I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. This new career path provided a voice for those in need, and an opportunity to make a difference. At the end of 2021, I decided to leave Scouting America to focus solely on my fundraising career.

Focusing My Career on Fundraising and Pursuing the CFRE

Lollypop Farm became my next step—a dream job working for a cause close to my heart. There, exposure to successful fundraising strategies was instrumental, leading to notable successes, from boosting monthly giving and increasing Giving Tuesday revenue to securing major gifts. Through hard work and perseverance, I raised $1.5 million in 18 months.

In December 2023, the time came to set new goals. The CFRE credential seemed like a distant possibility, but with a solid plan to complete credits and a resolve to make it happen, 2024 became the year of my CFRE journey. By that summer, all my credits had been completed and it was time to schedule the test.

October 10, 2024, a week before AFP LEAD, I took the CFRE exam. Walking back to the front desk after completion, the receptionist handed me the results face down. My heart pounded as I turned that paper over and read the words, “We are pleased to inform you that you have PASSED the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) Examination.”

Passing the CFRE exam validated years of effort and affirmed my commitment to making a difference. This achievement isn’t only about a credential; it’s a testament to perseverance and a reminder of the value found in unconventional career paths. My goal now is to inspire others on their journey and advocate for those in a similar position to mine.

My journey is far from over. I hope to advance into a Director of Development role and, one day, become an Executive Director. I want to support my wife as she pursues her master’s degree (and possibly a doctorate) in Art History. I want to provide a strong foundation for my children to follow their dreams—whether as a music composer, video game designer, engineer or, in the case of my five-year-old, a T-Rex. We’ll see how that one goes!

Above all, I’m committed to making a positive impact on my community and supporting the causes that matter most to me.

American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


United Negro College Fund



Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


BBB Wise Giving Alliance


Korea Society of Philanthropy


Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity




Boy and Girls Clubs of America


China – CAFP




Brazil Fundraising Association


European Fundraising Association


Japan Fundraising Association


North American YMCA Development Organization


New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


International Catholic Stewardship Council


Fundraising Institute New Zealand


Fundraising Institute Australia


Association of Philanthropic Counsel


Association of Fundraising Consultants


Educate Plus


The Giving Institute






