The latest Fundraising Survey Report from the Nonprofit Research Collaborative (NRC) is out and it shows a major increase in the use of fundraising campaigns at charities in both the U.S. and Canada. Compared with 2011, when 12% of respondents reported they had a structured campaign in place, 46% of charities reported being in campaigns in 2015, an increase of 34 points!
“When the 2015 results were analyzed, 27 percent of surveyed nonprofit organizations had a capital campaign in progress, and another 19 percent were running a special campaign,” said Dr. James D. Yunker, CEO of The Yunker Group and Past Chair of the Giving USA Foundation. On average organizations planned capital campaigns to last for just under five years and to raise $45 million; short-term “special campaigns” ran an average of just over 2 years with average goals of $3 million.
CFRE International is a proud member of the Nonprofit Research Collaborative (NRC) and is pleased to share the results of this important work with you. The findings described above are just a few among many in the Special Report about Campaigns released by the NRC this week, which is generating a lot of media coverage.
To learn more, download your free copy of the report or read additional coverage of the findings published this week in The Nonprofit Times, Philanthropy News Digest and The Chronicle of Philanthropy (subscription required).
In addition to CFRE International, other NRC member organisations include: Association for Fundraising Professionals, Association of Philanthropic Counsel, Campbell Rinker, Giving USA Foundation, the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning, and the National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute.
CFRE International and the NRC wish to thank all the CFRE certified fundraising professionals who helped make this shared project a success by lending their time in responding to this survey.