Get all the information you need to make 2023 the year you become a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE).
Whether you wish to pursue your CFRE to sharpen your knowledge to fundraise through a possible recession, stand out on the job hunt, or rise in your career, this free webinar will give you an in-depth overview of the process.
Tuesday, December 6
6 p.m. GMT | 1 p.m. ET | 10 a.m. PT
1 Hour
The webinar covers:
- Career benefits of being a CFRE
- Eligibility requirements
- Starting and submitting your application
- Cost
- CFRE exam overview
- Exam preparation resources
- Recertification
Soulafa Al-Abbasi, MDE, CFRE, and Andrew Polter, CFRE, will share how they approached the CFRE process and their advice for you.
We’ll have a live Q&A to ensure your questions are addressed.
Watching this webinar qualifies for 1 point in the non-fundraising education section of the CFRE application.