Celebrating CFRE certified fundraisers reaching certification milestones in 2017

CFRE International wishes acknowledge and congratulate the fundraising professionals listed below for reaching fifteen and thirty year milestones of CFRE certification in 2017.

Their long term commitment to CFRE certification demonstrates remarkable dedication to professional standards for ethical best practice in philanthropic fundraising and lifelong professional learning. Please join us in congratulating these leadersĀ in the philanthropic fundraising profession!

Achieving 30 Years of CFRE Certification in 2017

Carrie Berse, CFREJeanne G. Jacob, CAE, CFRELinda Brown Rivelis, CFRE
Dennis J. Boyle, J.D., CFRESharon LeeMaster, CFREGiuseppe Rizza, CFRE
Kimberly Bracken Till, CFREDavid F. Lyons, CFREGeorge C. Ruotolo, Jr., CFRE
Mark Deffenbacher, CFREDavid M. McGowan, CFREGary D. Schrenk, CFRE
Frederick J. Downey, CFRERobin Merle, CFREDavid S. Terrill, CFRE
Paul D. Fulham, CFREJim Miller, CFREAnne C. White, Ph.D., CFRE
Margaret A. Guellich, CFREThomas J. Moore, CFREKatherine R. Wohlhuter, CFRE
Michael J. Henley, CFREMargaret E. Mullen, CFRERobert R. Yardley, CFRE
Lorraine C. Holmes Settles, CFRENancy J. Riordan, CFRE

Achieving 15 Years of CFRE Certification in 2017

Shannon Lohr Alexander, CFREMelissa Garlington, CFREPatricia A. Moran, CFRE
Timothy B. Allison, CFRERussell A. Gibbs, CFREDoug Morrow, CFRE
Georgina Altman, CFRELarry Alan Gilhousen, CFREJoel L. Muller, CFRE
Robin S. Amato, CFREDon Gorsalitz, CFREJanet Neff, CFRE
Mary Ann Amelang, CFRERodney M. Grabowski, CFREKathryn L. Nelsen, CFRE
Helen B. Arnold, CFRELea J. Greathouse, CFRETheresa M. Nelson, CFRE
Michael J. Baker, CFREJose F. Guillen, CFREMark A. Neville, CFRE
Lee Ann Behensky, CFREVarden E. Hadfield, CFREMichelle M. B. Osborne, CFRE
Donna K. Belding, CFRECarolyn K. Hamilton, CFREJacqueline Palmenberg, CFRE
Anne-Louise Bennett, CFREPaul N. Hanson, CFREJill Palmer, CFRE
Sharon Lynne Biddle, CFREDavid Hanzlick, CFRESarah S Perkins, CFRE
Claire Birney, CFRENeil Hayes, CFREJulie C. Platek, CFRE
George Ann Bissett, CFREStephen E. Henrie, CFREJane E. Pryor, CFRE
Mark W. Blount, CFREJ. Mark Hierlihy, CFREWilliam D. Pugh, CFRE
Carol Ausubel Blumenfeld, CFRERobert N. Hilbert, CFRETherese Quinlan, CFRE
R. Richard Boone, III, CFREMarnie Hill, CFRELesley Ray, CFRE
Andrea L. Bork, CFREDavid A. Hoffman, CFREJames R. Rennert, CFRE
Scott E Bova, CFREKristin Leigh Hughes, CFREDr. Rickey E. Richardson, CFRE
Jeffrey Michael Bowen, CFREBrooks A. Hull, CFRELenora A. Ritchie,, APR, CFRE
Pamela G. Brown, CFREElizabeth Holler Hunter, CFREKate Roosevelt, CFRE
Robyn M. Browning, CFRELaura Jason, CFREVeronica Leslie Rosa, CFRE
Hilary Brown Kruchowy, CFREJacqueline S. Joines, CFRECookie Gregory Ruiz, CFRE
Pamela G. Bryer, MPH, CFRELaramie A. Jung, CFREDaniel Rustad, CFRE
Laura Elizabeth Burkes, CFRESylvia Kadlick, CFREE. Jane Rutter, CFRE
Carol Butera, CFREVicki S. Katz, CFREMarc S. Saffren, CFRE
Porter D. Caesar II, CFREThea Kleiber, CFRELuanne Samuel, CFRE
Megan E.A. Campbell, CFREJanice Nillias Knapp, CFREBeth Guba Schaan, CFRE
Steve M. Campbell, CFREPamela Clapp Larmee, CFREPaula Schumacher, CFRE
Mary Elizabeth Canning, CFREKimberly Ann Lauth, CFREMargaret Scott, CFRE
Jennifer Porter Carrillo, M.A., CFREDeborah Legrove, CFREJennifer L. Secor, CFRE
Marla Caulk, CFREJoseph A. Like, CFRELesley Ann Sims, CFRE
Beth Nelson Chase, CFREDorothy (Rori) Lindo-Britton, CFREGordon P. Smith, CFRE
Terri Chastain, CFREElizabeth S. Littlefield, CFREJames T. Sotiros, CFRE
Patricia Clark, CFREPatricia Lonsbary, CFREChristopher Spicer, CFRE
Brenda Suzanne Cook, CFREWendy M. Lux, CFREAlyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE
Beatrice L.D. Cork, CFREKathryn Elaine MacFarlane, CFRESusan S. Stendahl, CFRE
Lynn M. Croneberger, CFREMichael Peter Marsh, CFREJon Stephen Stettner, CFRE
Maureen Cunningham, CFREBrenda Ann Marsian, CFREJoAnn Stock, CFRE, CFRE
Janet H. DeWolfe, CFREElizabeth M. Mastrantonio, CFREBarbara Tartaglia-Poure, CFRE
Mark E. Dini, CFREPatricia Matheson, CFREJoan A. Thomas, CFRE
Karen Dolyniuk, CFREKaren Mathison, CFREBarbara J. Toller, CFRE
Suzanne Marie Lorraine DubƩ, CFREStephanie Alexander Maxwell, CFREEllen Louise Torres, CFRE
Robin E. Dunn, CFREChristine Marie McIver, CFREJon Wagner, CFRE
Patricia Lyons Eldred, M.A., CFRESonya McLelland, CFREPatrice Shiver Whitten, CFRE
Victoria A. Emmons, CFREMary Elizabeth McPherson, CFREJudyth A. Wier, CFRE
Yvonne C. Ervin, CFRELaura Q. McWhorter, CFREJeffrey R. Wilcox, CFRE
Leah G. Eustace, CFRELucinda L. Mercer, CFREKaren C. Wilson, CFRE
Cornelia Evans, CFRESteven Paul Miller, CFREGail M. Witzlsteiner, CFRE
Christina S. Farrell, CFREElizabeth A. Miller, CFREScott T. Wolterink, CFRE
Pamela Fawcett, CFREPaula K. Minsk, CFREAnnalese R Wright, CFRE
Stephanie Ferrell, CFREPeter Joseph Misiaszek, CFREPeter L. Wyro, CFRE
Rachel D'Anne Wright, CFREPatricia L. Mongeon, CFRETania R. Yount, CFRE
Josh Friedman, CFREMaryll Moon, CFRE

American Public Gardens Association (APGA)


United Negro College Fund



Tri-Valley Nonprofit Alliance


Nepal Center for Philanthropy and Development


BBB Wise Giving Alliance


Korea Society of Philanthropy


Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity




Boy and Girls Clubs of America


China – CAFP




Brazil Fundraising Association


European Fundraising Association


Japan Fundraising Association


North American YMCA Development Organization


New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy


Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals


International Catholic Stewardship Council


Fundraising Institute New Zealand


Fundraising Institute Australia


Association of Philanthropic Counsel


Association of Fundraising Consultants


Educate Plus


The Giving Institute






